Why UPSC introduced Ethics in CSE?

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Why UPSC introduced Ethics in CSE?

  • The prime reason that ethics paper was introduced in the civil services examination was need of inculcating an ethical sense among the civil servants.
  • The rise of technology and unsustainable development led to the decline in moral and ethical standards all over the world.
  • The present scenario in society has witnessed a declining standard of ethics and integrity among the civil servants. The declining ethical standards have led to devastating impact on the society. The adverse impact of corruption is felt in every aspect of administration and society.
  • It has been in news that our administration and governance has lost the human touch and there has been cases related to non-compassion, partiality, favoritism etc. we read such news every day in the newspapers.
  • On the other hand the honest civil servants are experiencing the hardships and pressures in the professional life. This has also affected their personal life. So to make the future generation officer more emotionally intelligent the paper has been introduced.
  • Thus, the introduction of ethics paper has come as an attempt to face-lift the new generation of civil servants.

Read the following stories about the declining ethical standards in Civil Servants. These are just some examples.









How this paper is different from other GS papers?

  • Ethics requires more of thinking and application part of ethical keywords, ethical issues, and principles. But in other GS papers it is more of reading and studying the bookish knowledge.
  • Ethics preparation does not require hours and hours of preparation as that of Optional and GS papers.
  • This paper requires different approach when it comes to the choice of words and writing style.
  • One need not start the preparation one year before the exams. And no need of rot learning the definitions, key terminologies, case studies etc.
  • All that ethics preparation needs are playing with ethics keywords in your mind and penning down the thoughts in your words.
  • You should consciously try to implement to what you had learned in preparing ethics into your daily life.