KPSC/KAS/PSI/FDA Exam General Science MCQs Part-2

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KPSC/KAS/PSI/FDA Exam Biology MCQs Part-2

51.​Consider the following statements: ​

Assertion (A): In humans, female sex is determined by XX-chromosomes. ​

Reason (R): Male sex is determined by YY-chromosomes. ​


​(a)​ Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. ​

(b) ​Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. ​

(c) ​A is true, but R is false. ​

(d) ​A is false, but R is true.

52.​Consider the following statements: ​

Assertion (A): Scientists can cut apart and paste together DNA molecules at will, regardless of the source of the molecules. ​

Reason (R): DNA fragments can be manipulated from restriction endonucleases and DNA ligases. ​

Codes: ​

(a)  ​Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. ​

(b)​ Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. ​

(c) ​A is true, but R is false.

​(d) ​A is false, but R is true.

53.​Consider the following statements:

​Assertion (A): ‘DNA fingerprinting’ has become a powerful tool to establish paternity and identity of criminals in rape and assault cases. ​

Reason (R): Trace evidences, such as hairs, saliva and dried semen, are adequate for DNA analysis. ​

Codes: ​

(a) ​Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

​(b)​ Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

​(c) ​A is true, but R is false. ​

(d) ​A is false, but R is true.

54.​Match the following columns:

Type of blood cellsFunction
NeutrophilsHeparin and histamine secretion
BasophilsAntibodies formation
LymphocytesAntiallergic and healing wounds


            A          B          C          D          E

(a)        3          1          5          4          2

(b)        1          4          5          3          2

(c)        3          2          1          4          5

(d)        2          3          1          4          5

55.​Consider the following statements and choose the correct code. ​

Assertion (A): A true nucleus is absent in E. coli and other prokaryotes. ​

Reason (R): An undifferentiated, unorganised fibrillar chromosome exists inside the prokaryotic cells. ​Codes:

 ​(a) ​Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

 ​(b)​ Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

 ​(c) ​A is false, but R is true.

 ​(d)​ Both A and R are false.

 56.​Consider the following statements and choose the correct code.

 ​Assertion (A): Regeneration in animals is one of the strategies to escape predation.

 Reason (R): These strategies include the rearrangement of pre-existing tissue.


  • ​Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

 ​(b) ​Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

  • ​​A is false, but R is true.

 ​(d) ​Both A and R are false.

57. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below:

List-I                            List-II

A. Ribosome                1. Suicidal bag of cells

B. Lysosome                2. Protein factory of cells

C. Mitochondria          3. Controller of cell

D. Nucleus                   4. Powerhouse of cell


A          B          C          D

(a)        2          1          4          3

(b)        4          3          2          1

(c)        1          4          3          2

(d)        3          2          1          4

58.​Which of the following is the correct sequence of the different phases of cell division?

​1. ​Anaphase

2.​ Telophase

3.​ Prophase

​4. ​Metaphase ​


​(a) ​1, 2, 3, 4

​(b)​ 1, 3, 2, 4

 ​(c) ​3, 1, 4, 2

 ​(d) ​3, 4, 1, 2

 59.​Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below;

List-I (Physiological processes)           List-II (Cell organelles)

A. Photosynthesis                   1. Plasma membrane

B. Mineral uptake                   2. Chloroplast

C. Respiration                          3. Mitochondria

D. Protein synthesis                4. Ribosomes


A          B          C          D

(a)        1          2          3          4

(b)        1          2          4          3

(c)        2          1          3          4

(d)        2          1          4          3

60.​Which of the following is not a true statement about chloroplasts and mitochondria?

(a) ​Each contains a small amount of DNA

​(b) ​Neither are components of the endomem-brane system

(c) ​Both are membrane less organelles

​(d) ​Mitochondria do not synthesise all their proteins

 61.​Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (Blood Group)                 List-II (Anti body)

A. A                                          1. Plasma membrane

B. B                                          2. Chloroplast

C. AB                                        3. Mitochondria

D. O                                         4. Ribosomes


A          B          C          D

(a)        1          2          3          4

(b)        4          3          2          1

(c)        4          2          3          1

(d)        3          4          2          1

62.​Which of the following statements are correct about the functions of the blood?

1. ​Transportation of oxygen.

2.​ Transportation of hormones.

​3. ​Control of body temperature.

4.​ Excessive bleeding.


(a) ​​1 and 2 only

​(b) ​3 and 4 only

(c) ​1, 2 and 3

​(d) ​1, 2, 3 and 4

63.​Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

1.​ In DNA, the base adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine are found.

​2.​ The nucleus contains all the DNAs of a cell.

​3. ​In RNA, thymine is replaced with uracil.

​4.​ RNA is mainly found to be in the cytoplasm. ​Codes:

​(a) ​1, 2 and 3

(b) ​2 and 3 only

​(c) ​1 and 4 only

​(d) ​1, 2, 3 and 4

64.​Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (Organisms)                    List-II (Chromosomes in pair)

A. Human                                1. 6

B. Housefly                              2. 23

C. Mosquito                             3. 39

D. Dog                                    4. 3


A          B          C          D

(a)        2          1          4          3

(b)        4          3          2          1

(c)        3          4          1          2

(d)        4          3          1          2

65.​With reference to the animal cell, which of the following statements are correct?

​1. ​There is no cell wall in animal cell but the cell is covered by plasma membrane.

​2. ​Chlorophyll is not found in animal cells.

3.​ Lysosome occurs in plant cells. 

​4.​ Almost in all animal cells, centrioles exist.


 ​(a)​ 2 and 3 only

 ​(b)​ 1, 2 and 3 only

 ​(c)​ 1, 2 and 4

 ​(d) ​All of the above

Directions (Qs. 66) : The following questions items consist of two statements, statement I and statement II. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the code given below.

 Code :

(a) ​Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I

(b) ​Both the statements are individually true but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I  

(c) ​Statement I is true but statement II is false

(d) ​Statement I is false but statement II is true

66. ​Statement I : Red blood cells burst when placed in water.

 Statement II : Due to the phenomenon of osmosis water enters into red blood cells.

67.​Consider the following statements regarding osmosis in animal cells :

​1. ​If the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell is too high, the cell shrinks.

​2.​ If the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell is too low, the cell swells and bursts.

​3.​ It is important to maintain a constant water potential inside the animal body.

4.​ In animal cells, water potential far exceeds the solute potential. ​

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) ​​1 and 2

​(b) ​3 only

​(c) ​4 only

​(d) ​2 and 3

68.​Consider the following respiratory pigments :

​(1) ​Haemoglobin

(2)​ Hemocyanin

​(3) ​Hemerythrin

(3) ​Haemocynoglobin

​Iron is contained in :

(a)​ 1, 2, 3 and 4

​(b)​ 1 and 3

(c)​ 1 and 2

​(d)​ 1, 2 and 4

69.​A drop of blood contains.

(a) ​about 10,000 cells

(b) ​about 100,000 cells

(c) ​several million cells

 (d) ​less than 25,000 cells

70.​Human blood contains ________ plasma.

 ​(a)​ 35%

 ​(b)​ 40%

​ (c)​ 50%

 ​(d)​ 55%

71.​Biologically, marriage should be avoided in between

(a)​ Rh+ male and Rh+ female

​(b) ​Rh– female and Rh– male

(c)​ Rh+ female and Rh– male

​(d)​ Rh+ male and Rh– female

72.​A disorder which is linked to the Y chromosome in humans (holandric) will

​(a)​ only be expressed in males whose mothers were a carrier of the gene

​(b) ​never be passed from father to child

​(c) ​show a pattern of skipping generations in a family

​(d) ​be passed only from father to son

73.​Normal adult human male has

​(a) ​10 g of haemoglobin/100 g of blood

​(b) ​14 g of haemoglobin/100 g of blood

​(c)​ 18 g of haemoglobin/100 g of blood

(d) ​24 g of haemoglobin/100 g of blood

 74.​New species may be formed if

 ​(i) ​DNA undergoes significant changes in germ cells

 ​(ii) ​chromosome number changes in the gamete

​(iii)​ there is no change in the genetic material

​(iv)​ mating does not take place

 ​(a)​ (i) and (ii)

 ​(b) ​(i) and (iii)

(c)​ (ii), (iii) and (iv)

​(d)​ (i), (ii) and (iii)

75.​Select the incorrect statement

​(a)​ Frequency of certain genes in a population change over several generations resulting in evolution

(b)​ Reduction in weight of the organism due to starvation is genetically controlled

​(c)​ Low weight parents can have heavy weight progeny

​(d) ​Traits which are not inherited over generations do not cause evolution

 76.​Select the statements that describe characteristics of genes

 ​(i) ​genes are specific sequence of bases in a DNA molecule

 ​(ii) ​a gene does not code for proteins

 ​(iii) ​in individuals of a given species, a specific gene is located on a particular chromosome

 ​(iv)​ each chromosome has only one gene

 ​(a)​ (i) and (ii)

​(b)​ (i) and (iii)

​(c)​ (i) and (iv)

​(d)​ (ii) and (iv)

 77. ​Which of the following fights infection in the body? [Bihar J. Service 2016]

 ​(a)​ RBC

 ​(b) ​WBC

 ​(c)​ Blood plasma

​(d)​ Haemoglobin

78.​ The sex of a new born baby is determined by the chromosome inherited from –

​(a)​ The mother

​(b) ​The father

(c)​ Mother’s father

​(d)​ Father’ father

 79.​ Which of the following is responsible for controlling hereditary characters of the living cells? [BPSC 2017]

 ​(a) ​Enzyme

 ​(b) ​Hormone

 ​(c) ​RNA ​(d)​DNA

 ​(e) ​None of the above / More than one of the above

80.​ Gene is –​​​[UK-PSC 2016]

​(a) ​A segment of DNA

(b) ​A segment of DNA and histone

​(c)​ A segment of DNA, RNA and histone

​(d) ​All of the above

 81. ​The living content of cell is called protoplasm. It is composed of :​​​[CDS 2016-I]

​(a) ​Cytoplasm only

​(b)​ Cytoplasm and myoplasm

​(c)​ Nucleoplasm only

​(d)​ Cytoplasm, nucleoplasm and other organelles

 82. ​Genetic screening is​​​[CDS 2015-II]

 ​(a) ​analysis of DNA to check the presence of a particular gene in a person

 ​(b) ​analysis of gene in a population

 ​(c) ​pedigree analysis

c(d) ​screening of infertility in parents

83.​ Which of the following cause(s) variation in the genetic material of progeny?​​​[CDS 2015-II] ​1.​Sexual reproduction

2.​Asexual reproduction


​4.​Epigenetic changes ​Select the correct answer using the code given below.

​(a) ​2 only

​(b) ​1, 2 and 3

​(c)​ 1, 3 and 4

(d) ​1 and 3 only

 84. ​Neutrophils and lymphocytes originate from [CDS 2015-II]

 ​(a)​ kidney tubule

 ​(b) ​spleen

 ​(c)​ bone marrow

 ​(d)​ lymph node

 85.​ A mother of blood group O has a group O child. What could be the blood group of father of the child? [NDA 2007 – II]

​(a) ​Only O

​(b)​ A or B or O

(c)​ A or B

​(d)​ Only AB

 86.​ Which of the following part of blood carry out the function of body defence?​​​[NDA 2008 I] ​(a) ​Red blood cells

​(b) ​White blood cells

​(c) ​Platelets

​(d) ​Haemoglobins

 87.​Assertion (A): Red blood cells burst when placed in water.

 ​Reason (R): Due to osmosis, water enters into red blood cells.​​​[NDA 2008- II]

(a) ​​Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

​(b) ​Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) ​A is true, but R is false

(d) ​A is false, but R is true

88. ​Between which one of the following sets of blood groups, is the blood transfusion possible?​​[NDA 2008 – II]

​(a) ​A and O

​(b) ​B and A

(c) ​A and AB

​(d) ​AB and O

89. ​White blood cells act​​​[NDA 2011 – I]

​(a) ​as a defence against infection ​

(b) ​as source of energy ​

(c) ​as a clotting agent

​(d) ​as a medium for oxygen transport from lungs to tissues Plant Anatomy/ Physiology

90. ​In which of the following chlorophyll does not exist?

(a) ​Algae

(b) ​Fungi

​(c) ​Bryophytes

(d) ​Pteridophytes

91.​ The age of trees is estimated by

​(a)​ their heights ​

(b) ​their weights

​(c) ​their elongation of roots

(d) ​counting the number of annual rings

92.​ Which of the following gas is necessary for the process of photosynthesis?

(a) ​O2

​(b) ​CO

(c) ​N2

​(d) ​CO2

 93. ​Which of the following metals is found in the chlorophyll?

​(a) ​Iron

​(b) ​Magnesium

​(c) ​Zinc

​(d) ​Cobalt

94.​ The gas released during the photosynthesis by the green plants is

​(a)​ Oxygen

​(b) ​Nitrogen

​(c)​ Water vapour

​(d) ​Carbon dioxide

 95.​ The photosynthesis occurs in the

​(a) ​Day

​(b) ​Night

​(c)​ Day and Night

​(d) ​None of these

96.​ The process of evaporation occurs from

 ​(a) ​Root

 ​(b) ​Stem

 ​(c) ​Leaf

 ​(d) ​Entire ‘plants’ surface

97.​ At which region of the electromagnetic spectrum do the plants photosynthesis?

​(a) ​Red and Blue

​(b) ​Green and Yellow

​(c) ​Blue and Orange

​(d) ​Violet and Orange

98.​ Which of the following is the cellular respiratory centre?

​(a) ​Nucleus

​(b) ​Mitochondria

(c) ​Ribosome

​(d)​ Golgi body

 99. ​Which of the following is a plant hormone?

​(a)​ Adrenaline

​(b) ​Insulin

​(c)​ Oxytocin

​(d) ​Auxin

100.​ The water and mineral salts are transported to the various organs by which of the following?

 ​(a) ​Xylem

 ​(b) ​Phloem

 ​(c) ​Cortex

 ​(d) ​Cambium

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