Geography Answer Writing Day-36

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Geography optional answer writing practice for IAS aspirants. This is the Day-36 questions based on the topic migration. Write the answers and get it reviewed by the experts.

Q.1) On the outline map of India, mark the location of all the following. Write the significance of these locations, whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural, in not more than 30 words for each entry.: (2 x 5 =10 marks)

  1. Son river
  2. Nanga parbhat
  3. Saddle peak
  4.  Milam glacier
  5. Dhupgarh

Q.2) Explain the following terminologies in about 50 words each: (5 x 5 =25 marks)

  1. Emigration
  2. International migration
  3. Seasonal migration
  4. Forced migration
  5. Refugees

Q.3) Discuss the causes and consequences of the major international migrations of the present time.  (20 marks)

Q.4) Impact of migration on urban demography. (2012) (15 marks)

Q.5) Discuss in detail the ‘UN global compact on migration’. (15 marks)

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मदन सिंह
मदन सिंह
5 years ago

हिंदी सवाल 1comment imagecomment image

मदन सिंह
मदन सिंह
5 years ago

सवाल 2comment imagecomment image

मदन सिंह
मदन सिंह
5 years ago

हिंदी सवाल 3comment image

मदन सिंह
मदन सिंह
5 years ago

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मदन सिंह
मदन सिंह
5 years ago

सवाल 5comment image

vishwajeet deshmukh
vishwajeet deshmukh
5 years ago

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Study Villae
Study Villae
5 years ago

Good attempt.
Demographic features constitutes following
-age sex structure
– education level, income level (employment)
-marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate,
-average size of a family, average age at marriage.